We have developed our own, highly efficient and fully customizable crawlers, using leading data mining methods, extracting Big Data wherever digital content (text, image, videos) can be found, in order to identify the digital sentiment. Our autonomy, allows us to collect and store the needed data, the way and with the volume we want, at a very low cost. We collect data through Social media posts, news articles, comments on forum platforms and public discussions that are all monitored and analyzed.Based on the findings and the detailed data analysis, we plan the best marketing approach and we execute a holistic communication strategy.
The “Footnet” Service is a Networks Synthesis and Event’s Impact analyzer which makes use of an advanced and cleverly designed algorithm based on the “six degrees of separation” network theory. The service provides accurate and dynamic information regarding the structure, and content of each client digital network. It provides a mapping of all available and possible connections, focusing on the distance between the nodes. The ultimate purpose is to bring the members of a network closer because the fewer the steps separating a brand from its customers, the better and more successful their connection will be. In the end, the customer’s network is segmented based on similar characteristics. With a more “structured”network it is easier to locate the influencers and design the best strategy to approach them.
Somebody is talking about you and you are not aware of it? Since your brand or product is out there, you should know if it is discredited or praised, the moment this happens. Otherwise, your reaction may come too late, for good or bad. Thanks to our own crawlers we are able to track online references on Social Media and News portals around specific keywords and phrases of interest. In brief, with our Web Monitoring service, we offer:
The best salespeople listen attentively to their customers’ needs and preferences. They remember their previous store visits and match their goals with their clients’ wishes. Be this person in the virtual world. What Recommend to your website visitors something they may like. How Big Data analysis of Consumers Behavior based on:
First of all we analyze all collected data in order to interpret social behavior to better connect brands with their customers. Apart from the obvious social analysis, we are also able to analyze video and images exploiting artificial intelligence algorithms. Images can be classified as positive or negative according to specific criteria. Also hundreds of thousands of hours long audiovisual material can be analyzed quickly (especially compared with manual viewing) extracting useful insights for our customers, based on their needs and the peculiarities of their business.